Skiing in St. Johann in Tyrol

Glittering snow, crystal-clear air, and an incomparable mountain panorama

Nobody who comes to Tyrol for a skiing holiday can resist these winter temptations. Whether a beginner or professional skier, whether hardcore or hobby skier, whether fan of freeriding or a classic skiing aficionada – everyone will find what they want.

The selection of ski areas around Hahnenkamm, Kitzbüheler Horn, Wilder Kaiser and Co. must first be topped. With the free Kitzbüheler Alps guest card you can travel by train and bus for free to several neighbouring ski areas: Fieberbrunn, Kitzbühel, Pillersee and Kirchdorf.

42 Pistenkilometer
22 breite Abfahrten
16 Bahnen und Lifte Thermen
Eine Karte vom Skigebiet in St. Johann in Tirol.